I almost don't know where to start. It's been over a month since I posted here. Sometimes I sit down to write, think about what I've been up to and it seems not worth mentioning. All I seem to do is stick my nose in physics books, papers about forces on the body, psychology articles and analyses about how to run more efficiently. Actually, those are all pretty cool to me. Maybe I've never mentioned it here, but I'm in the process of obtaining my B.S. in Kinesiology with the goal of sharing what I've learned with others. Two years ago, I fell in love with running, found the sport of triathlon and discovered a passion for healthy eating. Everything I've done since then has been focused on learning as much as I can about those parts of my life.
Yeah, I'm still a noob (that's gamer talk for "newbie," funny, I don't even play video games) when it comes to triathlon and there's a whole history about the sport that I love learning about. It's great reading about the legends of triathlon, like Dave Scott, Mark Allen, Paula Newby-Fraser, Scott Tinley and many others. Check this out for a bit of tri history
Triathlon Legends.
These were pioneers who were out there pushing their limits. Not for money or fame but because they knew they had more inside of them to discover. That is the most appealing aspect of this sport. No matter your age, experience, PR time, or ability, there is always more to discover within yourself. Everywhere I look, someone is striving to be more. They are inspiring, whether they know it or not. Sure the medals are great but what remains is the memory of digging deep, overcoming obstacles and sharing the experience with friends. That's why training can be as fulfilling as the race. How does it go? "It's not about the destination but the journey."
Huh, this was meant to be a short blurb about a PR in a recent 5k I did and some photos of what I've been up to but it's turned into a bit of reflection. Upcoming finals can have a strange effect on me. Since the holiday is right around the corner, I'm thankful for my family who supports my decision to go back to school, strangers who write comprehensive blogs, classmates who help share the load and my great friends who work toward their goals and share their time. You are all amazing and inspirational people. Thank you for being you.
Well, I guess I can leave a few photos:
Lake Whatcom |
Bellingham Bay |
Falls on Stewart Mountain |
The Sisters, North Cascades |
Beaver chips, Lizard Lake, Blanchard Forest |
The Salish Sea & the San Juan Islands |
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